“Empowering you to access the powerful and self-confident woman already inside you”

My name is Angie and I am devoted to inspiring women across the world to build up their internal and external strength, create a healthy lifestyle and ultimately develop the truest version of themselves. Through many challenges, setbacks, and learning, the confidence I’ve gained is unmatched.  Regardless of the mental and physical obstacles in life, I choose to believe that there is nothing I can't achieve. What fuels me daily, is knowing I have the power to help others believe the same for themselves. Helping you love the process and strengthen not just your body but your mind is my passion. Longevity and adopting a Growth Mindset is my goal for all my clients.  


  • "I wasn't motivated and getting anywhere until I started training with Angie. I’m stronger and more determined than ever. I feel like I can use that determination, motivation, and persistence in other parts of life."


  • "I now feel more confident and know that I can accomplish any goal I set my mind to. And if I forget, I always have Angie’s voice pushing me to the next step."


  • "I've always struggled with my weight and expected immediate changes. My time with Angie has helped me learn that I am strong and that no matter what stage of my physical journey I am in, I will practice self-love and compassion."

    Jackie Azucena

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